Newcomers’ Greco-Roman Games & Taberna
Date: 15-03-2025
Setup from 2 pm
Games begin 3 pm
Hall open 4 pm
Move indoors 6 pm
Offsite by 11 pm
Location: Newcomers will now take place at the Alf Faulkner Hall in Eden Hill, with games in the adjacent Mary Crescent reserve. (Change of Venue)
Cost: Adult $30 / Youth (5-17 years) $15 / Infant (under 5) Free
New members (less than six months since joining SCA):
Adult $15 / Youth $7.50 / Infant Free
Non-member (includes insurance fee):
Adult $25 / Youth $12.50 / Infant $5
Bookings Close: 8 March
Steward: Leoflaeda AElfwynnes dohter
Join us for an afternoon of thrilling contests including javelin, discus, wrestling and chariot racing. Model your finest toga or chiton. Paint your very own Greek vase and enjoy good company while ensuring the favour of the gods for another year! Then, as the day draws to a close, move indoors to a conveniently located taberna to celebrate your victories or mourn your losses in style. Games, entertainment, exciting fashion show and a delicious Mediterranean meal guaranteed. Greek or Roman attire is encouraged but not required – all attempts at pre-1600 dress are welcome. Authentic wrestling attire of the period is not, however, recommended…
Click for the Event Page
Western Raids AS LX
Date: 30-05-2025 to 02-06-2025
Friday: Site open for stewarding team: 12:00
Site open for populace: 3:00pm
Soup kitchen: from 6:00pm
Saturday: Breakfast from 7:00am
Market dinner and stalls from 4:30pm
Sunday: Breakfast from 7:00am
Celebratory Feast begins 6:00pm
Monday: Closing court and lunch: 12:00
Off site by 4:00pm
More details to come!
Bookings to Dede Kilic ibn Sungur ibn al-Kazganci al-Turhani via
Bookings Close: 16 May 2025
Location: Wandi Community Hall
302 DeHaer Rd
Wandi WA 6167
Cost: Adult member – full event $110
Adult member – Friday $20
Adult member – Saturday $55
Adult member – Sunday $50
Youth (12-17) member – full event $50
Youth (12-17) member – Saturday $25
Youth (12-17) member – Sunday $20
Child (5-11) member – full event $25
Child (5-11) member – Saturday $12.50
Child (5-11) member – Sunday $10
Infants under 5 – free
Non-members add $10 insurance surcharge
Family discount (2 adults plus 2 or more children) 15%
Steward: Leoflaeda AElfwynnes dohter
Come one, come all, to the glorious Western Raids! Join us as we celebrate the arrival of winter on our fair, sun-drenched western shores…what can you expect?
Feasting! A nourishing soup dinner for travellers from afar, the riotous delight for all the senses that is our Village Green markets – browse a variety of food stalls, haggle for the best price or pop into the Dragon’s Quest tavern for a restorative tankard of lemonade – and take your taste buds on a journey through the annals of history at a splendid celebratory feast!
Fighting! For alas, how can we have civilisation without conflict? Beware, the borders are uneasy, raiding parties are not out of the question…enjoy assorted rapier and heavy combat ranging from epic melees on the warfield, as we struggle to defend our lands, to splendid tournaments, featuring all the pageantry we love, to commemorate our victory over the unwashed hordes (let’s hope!).
Shopping! The Village Green will also host a veritable bazaar of market stalls for your perusal, ranging from exotic delights brought from far-off places (via slow camel train, one assumes) to local specialties and works of art created by the skilled craftspeople of the west.
Entertainment! Shimmering firelight glimmering off the frost crystals – such an atmosphere can hardly fail to attract the Muse. Enjoy a memorable Bardic circle, lively musical entertainment and epic tales from far-off times and places, dancing and vigorous contests of strength and skill – I guarantee you’ve never seen tug-of-war like it!
Arts and Sciences! Share your knowledge and bask in the wisdom of your colleagues. You can expect a variety of enthralling classes on all manner of skills, as well as opportunities to expose your completed masterpieces to the admiration of the masses.
Archery! Night shoots with glimmering arrows creating a rainbow in the starlight, daytime contests to determine who has the steadiest hand and the keenest eye, apples on the heads of children…no! wait! wrong story! Apples and monster heads to be shot by the children…is that better?? And, while I think of it…
Children’s entertainment! The younger members of your household can enjoy a full schedule of activities ranging from arts and sciences and archery through boffer fighting, books and board games to musical entertainment from the famous Viggly Viking Virtuosos (here’s a hint: there’s a Blue Viking, a Red Viking, a Yellow Viking and a Purple Viking…so I hear…)!
Camping and good company!
What better opportunity to hang out with your friends, comrades you have not seen for an age, and dear companions you’re just about to meet? Come, load up your baggage train and join us on the verdant grasslands of Wandi (honestly, we’re about due for a dry year, it will be FINE!)…
The following regular activities occur unless superseded by an event above
Event Booking Policy
- Payment for all bookings must be made in advance of the event by the date advised in the booking confirmation email. If payment is not received by the due date, your booking will be cancelled.
- Payment may be made either online or at any Westpac bank branch.
- Payment will not be accepted at the door except in exceptional circumstances and only by prior approval from the bookings officer and event steward.
Event Cancellation/Refund Policy
- Cancellation can be made at any time up to the close of bookings, with a full refund provided for any event payment already made.
- Cancellation after close of bookings will be accepted in the case of illness, with a refund provided. Please contact the booking officer ASAP prior to the event.
- Refunds (full or partial) for any other reason are at the discretion of the event steward together with the seneschal and/or reeve and will be dependant on expenses incurred.