Council Minutes


The Canton of Dragon’s Bay Council meets on the third Sunday of each month at 12pm at the Wandi Club Rooms, unless there is an official event on elsewhere in the Barony that day or other notification has been given.

All are welcome! If you have an idea for an event or discussion then please bring it along for Council consideration.

Archive of Council Minutes:

Year/Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
2024 Data lost Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2023 Mar Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Nil
2022 Jan (AGM)     May Jun          
2021 Jan               Oct    
2020 Jan Feb Nil Apr May Jun Jul – Aug
– Aug Ext
– Sep
– Sep Ext
Oct Nov Nil
2019 Jan Nil Mar Apr May  Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2018 Jan Feb Mar April May  Jun  Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2017 Jan Feb Mar April  May  Jun Jul Aug Sep Nil Nil Dec
2016 Jan Feb Mar April  May  Jun  Nil Aug Sep  Oct Nov  Nil
2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec